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nordische Kirche

»The church«

technique: acrylics on drawing board

This illustration was done for Knut Hamsun's story »A Ghost« for the book Grauslichschöne Gruselgeschichten für dunkle Abende. The story is about a boy who is haunted by a tooth-gapped ghost.
The book was the result of a course at Fachhochschule Mainz (University of applied sciences). It was a collaboration with Rowohlt, published and instructed by Felix Scheinberger. This book is a collection of gothic short stories.
Specifically characteristic about this book is the fact that every story was illustrated by a different person. This makes the book a collection of wonderful images by many skilled illustrators.
The book is available via Amazon, for instance.

Published by rororo, second edition (Octobre 1st 2008)
ISBN-10: 3499214768
ISBN-13: 978-3499214769

Here, I put together an arrangement of my best illustrations. To display an image click on a thumbnail below, for more of my work please visit the GALLERY.

pirate with parrot Peter Pan crocodile Hook pirates and children wombat flamingo and lion little piglet Europe a wight leopard caracara yeti illustration Streifband-magazine underwater chute double pan balance djinn

The copyright holder of this homepage and of all the included images is, if not stated differently,
Mr. Joël Keßler. More details are displayed in the LEGAL NOTICE. Also check out the SITEMAP,
so nobody gets lost.